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Banc de Binary Europe

Banc de Binary is a financial trading company that is based in Limassol, Cyprus. Banc de Binary is regulated by two financial regulatory bodies. This way Banc de Binary has ensured that clients from all over the world can get hold of their services.

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It is a legal financial trading company regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC). Their license number is 188/13.

The other regulatory body is the Belize International Financial Securities Commission (IFSC); the license number is IFSC/60/352/TS/15. Banc de Binary (EU) is a genuine broker and a good choice for traders who trade binary options


Banc de Binary (EU) Platform


Their platform is unique and easy to use; they use a SpotOption Gen 2 to access trading. This platform is easy to use and maneuver through, it was meant to the user a lovely and easy experience trading. The trading platform offers price charts, in the form of line charts and candlesticks. You can find the website here:

Also one can change the timeframes on the charts. Other additional features are the strategy advisor widget and an access to social trading, that is, Zulu Trade. This gives the traders access to copying trades from other successful traders.


Trade Types


Banc de Binary Europe ( has various trading types to select from; this gives the user a variety of trades to choose from:

  • The classic binaries; this is the Call/Put Options

  • Long term Options

  • Pair Options

  • Sixty second Option

With the above options for a client to choose from, it gives a wide array of ways to make money trading the markets.


Trading Accounts


Banc de Binary offers a variety of trading accounts which you can find here - This way everyone has an option of which account best suits them. The minimum deposit to open an account with Banc de Binary is $250. The following are account types that are offered;

  • Bronze account; minimum deposit $250

  • Silver account; minimum deposit $2500 plus bonus benefits

  • Gold account; minimum deposit $5000 plus all the benefits of the silver account and more

All the above accounts have their advantages and the higher the account you select to start with, the more the benefits you are going to enjoy. All these accounts have the card payments and bank wire transfer. Also there are 14 other alternative payment methods, this is important because it ensures ease of depositing and withdrawing.


Banc de Binary Europe Tradable Assets


Banc de Binary (EU) offers a wide range of assets, the assets have been categorized well, to offer ease of use by its clients. In total they offer 200 tradable different assets; these include stocks, commodities, indices and forex.


Payout Ratio


Banc de Binary’s payout ratio is one of the industry’s highest, with 85% maximum payout for In the Money trades (ITM).

This means that with each trade that is successful, the maximum payout will be an 85% return on investment; for example invested $10 on a trade; the maximum return on investment is $18.50. For long term trades the payout can be as high as 900%.


Customer Support Service


Banc de Binary Europe has made it possible for their clients to access help when need be. This is facilitated by their 24hr support service that is accessible on call via the contact numbers or from their online live chat panel.

The other customer support services include the Skype chat, e-mails and the contact numbers offered in the Banc de Binary website.


Banc de Binary Pros and Cons


There are both advantages and disadvantages of using Banc de Binary (EU). It is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The following are pros and cons of




  • The customer service offered by Banc de Binary is exemplary, a 24 hour service that is accessible through various medium.

  • The different accounts have different bonuses that are of value to the client.

  • Banc de Binary offers 100% deposit bonus, this gives the client an additional leverage while trading.

  • Banc de Binary being a regulated broker adds to its credibility as financial trading company.

  • A huge assortment of trading assets, giving the clients a large number of choices when it comes to trading assets.

  • The trading platform is not only unique but secured, this allows for the client’s personal details and trading activities to remain safe.

  • Banc de Binary offers education for its clients through readable material and via webinars held for the various account types. They offer e-books, video courses and they have an online school called the Lion Academy.




  • Banc de Binary regulator CySEC only covers clients from Europe.

  • Limited number of option types, only having four limits the types of trades that one can make.

  • Minimum deposit requirement of $250 can be lowered to bring in more clients.


Conclusion is a good financial trading company for everyone who wants to get started trading. The deposit fee is very affordable and there are different accounts to choose from depending on your level of experience trading and also your finances.

The additional features to their trading platform makes them different, with the enabled social trading and the strategy advisory widget added on to the trading platform makes them unique and appealing.

Banc de Binary is a company that caters for the needs of its clients, 24 hour support service and an assortment other contact customer services ensures that the client is well covered. This company also provides a hug number of trading assets that can be traded in different ways.

The company has offered enough to ensure that the client succeeds in their trading venture. I would highly recommend them for anyone who wishes to start trading in binary options.


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